24 Hour Emergency Removal

So, you found a Permanent Makeup Artist.
You went to your Microblading appointment.
It didn’t go as planned, and you can’t hide it.

It happens—I’m here to help.

24 Hour Emergency Removal

Unfortunately, sometimes the Eyebrow Microblading session you were so excited to have done turns out to be a true case of Expectation vs Reality. While this is definitely a traumatic shock there’s no need to panic—I can help, and that’s what I’m here for. 

It is very important to do an emergency removal session, or treatment product as soon as possible. The sooner we get to work removing the eyebrow Microblading or other Permanent Makeup, the more effective we can be in removing the color fast and effectively.

*If you are outside of the 24 hour window, please still reach out in the contact form at the bottom of the page. There are other gentle, non-invasive, & very helpful practices that I can coach you through while your skin is healing to be effective in minimal color retention as possible.

**While ‘brow shock’ is very real, it can always take about a week or more to get used to seeing something new on your face that you can’t wipe away. Eyebrows truly frame your face, and you may feel that you look different. This is not the same as needing emergency removal. Please reach out to your artist, be kind, and trust the healing process.
(Healing tip: applying healing ointment consistently to the area may mean less color retention when paired with some pigment brands. More color can always be added later.)

“I can’t believe it removed all the color, literally none of the pigment stayed! And my skin looks perfect like nothing was done.”


“Thank God I found you right on time. I really didn’t want to have to go through the removal process right before my wedding. Picking up this product was so worth it!”


Inquire on 24 Hour
Emergency Removal


It is important that I see your email as soon as possible with as much information as possible. Please describe in detail your thoughts, and I will be in touch as soon as possible <3
